At Risk Forum 16 August 2017

Along with our partners Bayside City Council, Glen Eira City Council, Kingston City Council and Holmesglen Vocational College we again held the very popular At Risk Forum recently.
The At Risk Forum is a great opportunity for school practitioners, flexible learning providers and youth welfare and support agencies to come together and focus on our most vulnerable young people at risk of disengaging from education.

This year the forum was opened by Judith Graley, Parliamentary Secretary for Education and Member for Narre Warren South and was followed by keynote presentations on Family Violence and Gender Diversity. Both keynote speakers were really informative and engaging. The keynote presentations were followed by the choice of one of two sessions with the topics being school refusal and anxiety. What a jam packed day!

It was so exciting to see the room ‘full to the brim’ once again and to see everyone engaging together at every opportunity. The sharing of great information and ideas began at registration and continued over a cup of coffee at morning tea and over lunch.

As with every other year we asked attendees to bring along any resources they would like to add to our resource table area. Well, this year was our largest resource area ever and additional tables were needed to display it all. This was a very busy area especially at morning tea time.
It takes a lot of time and work by everyone involved to put together a forum such as this one and we were so pleased with our attendees thoughts about the day:

• Fantastic content, relevant and informative
• Excellent, especially the video, relevant
• Awesome! So good and informative
• Outstanding, stimulating, relevant, 10/10
• Excellent presentation, very informative and knowledgeable speaker
• Great delivery on a complex subject. Thought provoking
• Certainly gave an insight and understanding which makes me more aware
• Excellent. Very informative and practical strategies

What is so rewarding for everyone involved in the At Risk Forum is to see an event like this where people in the room are so engaged, absorbing information and discussing strategies which can help them in their day to day work with our most vulnerable young people.

Thank you to everyone who was involved with or attended the Forum for your contribution to making the Forum such a successful day.

Judith Graley, Parliamentary Secretary for Education and Member for Narre Warren South

Judith Graley, Parliamentary Secretary for Education and Member for Narre Warren South

At Risk Forum Forum Attendees

At Risk Forum Attendees

