FLV Vision Statement, Mission statement and Values

Vision statement

That providers of flexible and inclusive learning programs are supported to empower young people to pursue their aspirations.

Mission statement

As a community of practice of flexible and inclusive learning providers, youth support and advisory organisations that work with young people, we come together to support young people seeking flexible learning pathways, we will aim to provide:

• A collective voice which advocates for quality programs and services focused on young people as learners
• A collective voice which advocates for Flexible and Inclusive Learning Providers (FILPs) and the young people they support
• Sharing of resources and knowledge to support quality flexible and inclusive program delivery
• Professional learning and support for administrators and practitioners working in flexible and inclusive learning environments
• Robust and respectful partnerships to support the needs of young people participating in flexible learning programs


As a community of practice the networks mission will be achieved when network activities are based on the following five values:

1. Integrity: The network will work with integrity, working as a whole, undivided with a commitment to providing quality flexible and inclusive learning opportunities for young people.
2. Respect: The network will come together and interact with respect for the individual member and their member organisations’ unique offering that they make to the network. This respect recognises that the members’ contribution comes from a place of expertise within their community.
3. Collaboration: The network will work collaboratively, enhancing the knowledge and skills of members, working together to collectively meet the needs of young people within the networked communities.
4. Outcomes evidenced: The network will work collaboratively towards clear objectives and strategies which add to the networks combined body of knowledge.
5. Student centric: The network will, through professional learning and sharing of practices, enhance network members capacity to support student-centred learning which puts students’ interests first.