Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) – Information for Employers

SWL is an opportunity for a local students to get hands on experience in an industry they are studying by connecting with local employers.

BGKLLEN and the SWL portal have helped make thousands of these connections all over Victoria already. We have seen the impact that this has had on both employers and students with many of these relationships continuing well after the placement has finished.

“You gotta give them a chance. We can’t expect them to gain the same sort of skills we have if we’re not prepared to help.”

Andrew Mckane (Macca), Park Road Timber and Hardware.

Hear more about Macca’s experience with SWL program in the video below:


We are always on the lookout for the new employers and have students willing to go. If you would like to continue on the path to give a young person their first chance,
please click to download the forms below or phone or email me and I will walk you through the process.

BGKLLEN Host Employer Information Structured Workplace Learning Placement Information Form

03 8512 0779